Magisterial district court 32-1-32 – Springfiled PA

If you’re like most people, a court summons means many questions and a lot of uncertainty. You might be afraid of going to jail or paying a fine you can’t afford. When you receive a summons for Magisterial Court 32-1-32, it’s important to hire a lawyer, even if you think that you should just plead guilty to “get it over with.”

A professional attorney is your advocate in the courtroom, someone who knows the law and uses that knowledge to keep you out of jail, reduce fines, and walk beside you every step of the way, working just for you.

Contact Enrique Latoison today

You can find the courtroom at 56 Powell Road, Springfield, Pennsylvania 19064, and there is free parking available.

Your Lawyer Is Your Courtroom Advocate

Magisterial District Court can hear many different types of cases. Some are traffic citations, including speeding in excess of 30 miles over the posted speed limit, running a red light or stop sign, DUI or DWI, and reckless driving. The punishment for many of these cases may be fines, points on your license, and even losing your driving privileges entirely! In other words, you don’t know what the judge will decide, but having a lawyer who can argue for you can help reduce your consequences.

Other types of cases are minor lawsuits, where you may be sued for an amount under $12,000. If you dispute this, hiring an attorney can help you gather the right kinds of contracts, forms, and other documents that you’ll need to make your case. Without the help of a lawyer, you may face wage garnishment or have a fine that can seriously affect your credit and finances.

Similarly, this court also hears criminal cases and even bail hearings. If you haven’t retained a lawyer for a criminal case – don’t waive your rights – you have the right for an attorney to help keep you out of jail and prove your innocence.

Latoison Law Firm Works For You

At Latoison Law Firm, we handle all types of cases, from traffic citation to criminal cases to landlord-tenant disputes. We can help you, and we’re on your side. Call us to schedule a consultation, or go on our website for more information about our services. In addition, we also do Zoom video conferencing.

Contact Enrique Latoison today