If you find yourself in the unsettling position of being under investigation for a criminal matter, it’s natural to feel a wave of uncertainty about your next steps. The period before charges are filed is a critical time, and the actions you take can significantly impact the outcome of your case. At Latosion Law in Media, PA, our team of seasoned criminal defense attorneys understands the gravity of a pre-file case and the importance of initiating a robust defense early on.

Don’t wait for charges to shape your future. Take control now by reaching out to the lawyers at Latosion Law. Call us at 610-999-1439 for your confidential consultation and start building your defense today.

Understanding the Pre-File Stage

The term ‘pre-file case’ refers to the stage where an individual is under investigation but charges have yet to be formally filed. Law enforcement might be in the process of collecting evidence, which could include reaching out to your associates or executing a search warrant. During this phase, you might not be fully aware of your rights and the best course of action. This is where a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney can make a decisive difference.

Your Right to Remain Silent

One fundamental right you have is the right to remain silent. Even if law enforcement is pressing for information, you are under no obligation to provide any statements or to participate in any investigative activities such as interviews or polygraphs. Before responding to any requests from the police, it’s imperative to consult with a lawyer.

The Power of Early Intervention

Why wait for the storm to hit when you can fortify your defenses now? By engaging a criminal defense attorney during the pre-file stage, you can take proactive steps to potentially avoid charges altogether. At Latosion Law, our approach includes:

  • Conducting our own thorough research and investigation into the allegations against you.
  • Making early contact with law enforcement to intervene on your behalf.
  • Advising against participating in investigative procedures that could inadvertently produce evidence against you.
  • Applying legal pressure to deter further investigation by law enforcement.
  • Exploring alternative resolutions to divert allegations and informally settle the matter when possible.
  • Working to prevent criminal charges from being filed in the first place.

In the Event of an Arrest or a Bench Warrant

If an arrest becomes inevitable, our attorneys can assist you with a voluntary surrender, which can be less disruptive and more dignified than being taken into custody unexpectedly. Additionally, if a bench warrant has been issued, we can help you address it promptly and properly, often without the need for a stressful arrest.

Facing a Preliminary Hearing?

Should your case advance to a preliminary hearing, having a criminal defense attorney in Delaware County with a deep understanding of the legal system is crucial. We’re prepared to challenge the prosecution’s evidence from the outset, laying the groundwork for a strong defense as your case progresses through the courts.

Take Action Now

If you are facing a pending case or are under investigation, do not hesitate to seek the legal expertise you need. Contact Latosion Law at 610-999-1439 for a no-obligation consultation to discuss your situation confidentially. Our commitment is to safeguard your rights and to offer the high-caliber legal defense you deserve.

The information in this blog is for general informational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice. Please contact an attorney for advice on specific legal issues.