Finding yourself on the wrong side of the law can be a daunting experience. An arrest can throw you into a world of confusion and fear, but knowing your rights and the appropriate steps to take can be your best defense. At Latosion Law in Media, PA, our criminal defense attorneys are dedicated to guiding you through the complexities of the legal system.

Arrested in Pennsylvania? Don’t navigate this challenge alone. Contact the criminal defense attorneys at Latosion Law at 610-999-1439 immediately for a no obligation consultation and ensure your rights are protected from the start.

Your Rights Remain Intact

Immediate Steps After an Arrest

The moments following an arrest are critical. Here’s what you should keep in mind:

1. Exercise Your Right to Remain Silent
The most crucial advice to remember if you’re arrested is to remain silent. Law enforcement officers are skilled in interrogation and may attempt to elicit a confession or statement from you. These statements can and will be used against you in court.

2. Understand Law Enforcement’s Role
It’s vital to recognize that law enforcement’s primary objective is to build a case against you. They are not there to negotiate or offer deals; that’s the realm of the prosecutors.

3. Secure Legal Representation
Before you provide any information to the police, it is your right to contact an attorney. Reaching out to Latosion Law at 610-999-1439 should be your first step in securing the legal backing you need.

Communicating While Incarcerated

If you find yourself in custody, refrain from discussing your case over the phone or with anyone other than your lawyer. Incarcerated communications are typically monitored and recorded, making it easy for your words to be used against you.

The Importance of Early Defense

Should you be under investigation but not yet charged, this is the time to find a Delaware County criminal defense attorney. Early legal representation can significantly influence the trajectory of your case. Our attorneys at Latosion Law can begin crafting a strategic defense even before the state files charges, potentially mitigating the charges or even preventing them.

Remembering the Details

As difficult as it may seem, try to recall all that you can about your arrest. If a search warrant was executed, take note of what was taken and whether it was listed in the warrant. Law enforcement must adhere to strict protocols, and any deviation from these protocols could constitute a violation of your rights.

It’s imperative to understand that being arrested does not strip you of your rights. Our attorneys are staunch defenders of your rights and will thoroughly investigate if there has been any misconduct or violations during your arrest.

Related: Arrested For a DUI in Media, PA?

Contact Latosion Law for a Consultation

Latosion Law offers flexible fees without compromising on the quality of your defense. We’re committed to providing you with top-notch legal representation. For more information or to schedule a consultation, do not hesitate to contact us at 610-999-1439. Our team is ready to assist you, especially when it comes to navigating preliminary hearings and the intricate details of your defense.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and should not be taken as legal advice. For advice on an individual situation, please contact Latosion Law directly.