Video transcript

The Derek Chauvin murder trial is now in week two today the Minneapolis police chief testified against his former officer during hours of testimony the chief said that Chauvin violated multiple policies in his restraint of George Floyd he said after reviewing all the video he believes Chauvin’s actions violated department policies on de-escalation use of force and rendering medical aid to people in custody when we talk about uh the framework of our sanctity of life and when we talk about the principles and values that we have that that action goes contrary to uh what we’re taught the police chief fired Chauvin and three other officers involved in Floyd’s arrest within hours of Floyd’s death joining us now is NBC legal analyst Enrique L Latoison Enrique we heard the police chief testifying about the department’s policies the prosecution has already had other officers testify about training why do you think the prosecution is still presenting this kind of evidence well this is the actual chief of police so the policies start from the top and they go down from there of course there’s been other officers testifying about the training so we know that eventually the the prosecution’s putting their case on now but the defense will dispute the training and may try to make argument that way so what they did was they put on testimony showing the policies the policies are to treat people with dignity and respect and to treat others how they want to be treated as officers and also say that the policy of de-escalation and maybe even if the what he the restraint that he did was okay in the beginning that it was not okay once that he was unconscious and not responding so they were showing that this was a violation of the policies along with the training another witness we heard from today Enrique the emergency room doctor right testified that George Floyd most likely died from lack of oxygen did that testimony help or hurt the defense well we know that this is going to come down to a couple things and one of the big parts of this case is how Mr. Floyd died and so when he put the doctor on today and the doctor testified to the fact that he died from a lack of oxygen of course that’s damaging into defense but the defense also got the doctor to say that methamphetamine fentanyl drugs and things of that nature also contribute to a lack of oxygen and also could be a reason and a cause of death so i think it was kind of a push i think they both got something out of it the prosecution in the defense and we know they’re going to be experts down the line that are going to hammer that point home the last witness of the day was the inspector in charge of training in the police department how important was this testimony with what you heard today so we’ve had a lieutenant a sergeant a chief and now an inspector in charge of training and this is very unusual to have such high-ranking officers testify in a trial against an officer but they got this officer this testimony was that this particular training was not something they do you know no one is taught to put a knee on someone’s neck they also talk about when someone’s in their stomach position laying on their stomach a prone position is what they call it that this is very dangerous position and the officer is trained to make sure someone gets out of that position as soon as possible and lastly they showed a picture of the officer with his hands in his pocket a very famous picture with his knee on his neck and they asked the inspector what is this and he specter just said you know this is some sort of improvising of some sort and this is not the training that they are trained on all right NBC legal analyst Enrique L Latoison and thanks again we appreciate it thank you

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