In Pennsylvania, spousal support, or alimony, is not guaranteed. It is only awarded in cases where courts find it warranted (unless the parties have reached their own agreement). Whether alimony is awarded to a spouse, how much is awarded and how long it is paid depends on a number of factors, for example: age, income, duration of marriage, marital assets held, dependant children, relative needs of the parties, etc.
Duration – Based upon the specific circumstances of the parties, alimony may be awarded for a definite or an indefinite period of time. There are two general types of alimony in Pennsylvania: “Rehabilitative” and “Permanent”.
Rehabilitative alimony – generally short-term alimony designed to enable a spouse to do what is necessary to become self-suporting. For example, rehabilitative alimony would be paid while a spouse goes back to school to acquire the education and skills necessary to compete in the job market.
Permanent alimony – paid for a long period of time when one of the parties is unable to work due to age or illness.
Modification/Termination – A court will modify and/or terminate alimony upon a change of circumstances of a substantial and continuing nature with respect to either party. Remarriage of the party receiving alimony shall terminate the award of alimony.
(Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes – Title 23 – Sections: 3701, 3702, 3704, 3706)